September 2017 'Let us hold hands'

UN General Assembly - September 2017 The last couple months have seen huge international discourse over differences, particularly relating to the way in which, individual countries are run. Countries like China, North Korea, USA and Russia have their very own independent way of leadership and even though, most of these are democratically led there has been bullish rhetoric inciting tension. Tensions are due to economic rivalry, sanctions and inappropriate international communication relating to arms and nuclear threats. One argument is, it is all 'Lost in Translation' and the schoolyard testimonies of political leaders need to revisit the facts of the initial political discrepancies and deal with them with proper and appropriate international formality. The famous writer Cicero wrote, "Everything is indefinite, misty, and transient; only virtue is clear, and it cannot be destroyed by any force." Virtue is the most potent weapon, which can never...