September 2017 'Let us hold hands'
UN General Assembly - September 2017
Tensions are due to economic rivalry, sanctions and inappropriate international communication relating to arms and nuclear threats. One argument is, it is all 'Lost in Translation' and the schoolyard testimonies of political leaders need to revisit the facts of the initial political discrepancies and deal with them with proper and appropriate international formality.
The famous writer Cicero wrote, "Everything is indefinite, misty, and transient; only virtue is clear, and it cannot be destroyed by any force."
Virtue is the most potent weapon, which can never run dry, and it should be a force thrusted upon all people in democracy and diplomacy like a spear was thrusted in the days of ancient barbarity. Nowadays we have reached the point in our international affairs to evaluate and understand, as well as, prevent and limit the human-made crises in the world.
Myanmar - September 2017
International human rights outrages have been tarnishing the noble reputation of someone who has worked and suffered in prison for decades for the sake of all people in her country, which has only 'lined the pockets' of the media industry worldwide without properly ascertaining corroborative evidence. Images and pictures though compelling should never deteriorate the growing and powerful leadership of an 'Asian Female Nelson Mandela'.
San Suu Kyi has been an icon for the strong-mindedness of Asian women and women, around the world. Media frenzy suggesting her 'influential-hand' in causing the deaths of people in a border region of Myanmar is deplorable, all things considered. Until there is substantial evidence to make such accusations fingers should never point blame at someone, especially when the balance of power in such places, always requires continuous support, because it has been overrun at times by militia.
Everyone knows her stance on human rights and equal rights, so if there are concerns relating to the deaths of a particular set of people on the border regions of Myanmar, they will need to first attain peace and investigate the conflict and resulting casualties. The concept of 'ethnic cleansing' labeled by media has implied the entire Buddhist majority of the country have been at war with a set of Muslim people, which is extremely difficult to fathom or even believe. The conflicts have always been isolated on the border regions and religious reasoning or discourse should be removed from media's hype of this news, yet it will mean it will not sell as well, because it then is not a religious dispute.
The concepts of modern-day diversity and equality have synchronized with Asian traditional and ancient teachings in South East Asia. Conflicts are more to do with ongoing disparities and disputes which have lingered on for years and have never been resolved or people entering regions anew and causing trouble. Problems do arise when people the government want to help cannot be reached, and so ensues more conflict. Yet governments do need to work with their people as much as possible, to create sustainable lasting peace.
Natural Disaster - September 2017
In the wake of Hurricane Irma, Mexico City Earthquake, and Hurricane Maria, there are so many examples of compassion and human kindness which has emanated from disaster. It is only a reassertion humanity is together but it struggles like a person with a limp, it needs help to keep moving. Hearts, prayers, and minds reach out to all those suffering from loss or tragedy today, and in their troubled times let us 'all hold hands' and hope for Love in Humanity to grace our souls.
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