Theory of Democratic Confederalism and Conflict in Middle East / Love your neighbour June 2016
The theory of Democratic Confederalism may have its uses in helping and
advancing the political situation in the area previously known as Kurdistan and
also for the rest of the Middle East.
Confederalism however in context should refer to the
surrounding patchwork between the borders of Iran, Turkey and Syria and with
properly recognised political representation in all three states, which is the
Democratic part.
The region on the borders between Iran, Turkey and Syria have main regions aiming to incorporate a new vision for a better and more peaceful way, in both politics and society.
The idea of intertwining a confederacy type of unification in this region is helpful when and only when it is represented in a democracy. The lack of an unrepresented confederacy can be harmful, as it results in civil conflict due to the differences between a desirable fair representation and an undesirable unruly autonomous representation.
Ideology which combats autonomous religious ideology is significant only when it can fortify the proper moral standards for the basic necessities of life and living in the Middle East. The main theme for opposing oppressive ideology is unification as well as fair representation of peoples within all surrounding regions, with the sole purpose for sustaining and preserving life.
There is a meeting point for both, the needs and desires of all people in the surrounding regions. The meeting point for both lies in the heart of all people wanting to live peacefully, learn and worship freely; to take children to school and go to work; eat and sleep safely.
Such simple freedom is not only a need and desire, it is a compromise and it is an eye-opening struggle achievable with the right open understanding of culture, true religion, and politics. Attitudes in understanding the identity of the people in the Middle Eastern border regions is essential and education steering away religious autonomy is also crucial.
Non-violent peacemaking is also vital to maintaining and continuing the integrity of an ‘equal diplomatic principle’ agreed widely among the international community and all UN nations.
All civilians [according to EU Law and Geneva Convention] no matter the nation, are entitled to possess the same basic human rights as each other, regardless of Religion, Race, Gender or Culture.
A moral political understanding in peaceful negotiation is the key to unlocking the success in non-autonomous representation of peoples, which can be an extremely important redefining feature, for the future prospect in Middle Eastern national communities and also politics.
For the continuance and sustenance of the Middle Eastern people and those who represent its people, restitution of just law and a more fair representation, of those who dwell in these countries and regions must be clearly defined within government and politics and ruling parties. The ideas of a 'caste system' or regarding a certain set of peoples as lesser to another set of people is immoral.
What must be realised by politicians and army commanders is the strong concern for equality, justice and lasting peace goes 'hand in hand' with the building blocks of progress in trade, commercial development, and infrastructure. People prosper from a more unified situation than previously found in war-torn divided years. It is not about war crime, sexual violence, combative violence, trafficking, slave labour or forcing workers. It is about creating a balanced cohesive and respectful society which lays foundations and a new-footing for itself through its own people and the colloboration of its neighbours, which can only be achieved with the right message.
A 'new caliphate’ is explicitly ill-conceived. The areas in question are filled with Real Islamic people who do not believe in a new type of brutal and violent Islam replacing the present Islam, which already is deeply rooted and immovable. Islam already defined by kindness and compassion in humanity. In Islam the existence of a kind of ‘caliphate’ is considered absurd since for so long the people belonging to the Middle East have defined their beliefs and strengthened their ideals through religion, which has already for so long distinctly determined them and their areas.
For centuries even before the time of the Ottomon Empire and after, 12th and 13th Century BC there has been war and conflict propelled by religious dispute.
Questions like: "What is the right religion? What does Allah/God say? What is the Qur'an or Bible? What is a punishable sin?" People without the right teaching or guidance and people who have suffered badly choose to live the answers to these questions quite differently and actually as a complete opposite to the way of life the properly guided and taught live. Law has not always shone happily down on the eyes of the religious and neither has its law-bearers, rulers and Kings.
Now though back to the year 2016 the more people make laws and the more people represent each other fairly, understanding the awareness of other peoples not like them existing as their neighbours - the better we can all live!
Below are passages from the Bible and Qu'ran on the message of goodness to neighbours.
Bible, Gospel of Matthew 19:19 --
"Honour your father and mother, and love your neighbour as yourself."
Bible, Gospel of Mark 12:31 --
"You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these."
Bible, Leviticus 19:18 --
"You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself; I am the Lord."
Qur'an. 4:36 --
"Serve Allah and ascribe no partner to Him. Do good to your parents, to near of kin, to orphans, and to the needy, and to the neighbour who is of kin and to the neighbour who is a stranger, and to the companion by your side, and to the wayfarer, and to those whom your right hands possess. Allah does not love the arrogant and the boastful."
"Serve Allah and ascribe no partner to Him. Do good to your parents, to near of kin, to orphans, and to the needy, and to the neighbour who is of kin and to the neighbour who is a stranger, and to the companion by your side, and to the wayfarer, and to those whom your right hands possess. Allah does not love the arrogant and the boastful."
Hadith Nabawi. Golden Rule: Sahih Muslim --
"None of you have faith until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself."
There is misinterpretation of Sha’ria law especially because of autonomous enforcement and misguided action. The unjust abuse of religion has weaponized religion for human control in some Islamic countries. The same can be said for Patriotism in some countries. The culture and ethos of national identity is hijacked by a ruling government or party to misconstrue believers in Patriotism that racism and prejudice is the best way to preserve their culture and national identity. However this is a cosmic division between real Patriotism, real culture and autonomy. Again, the same goes for Sha'ria law and Islamic law, there is a huge divergence between the reality of compassionate religious teaching and religion being used to simply form a dictatorship, evident from the dictatorial rulings of Sadame and Gadaffi.
It very much boils down to the abuse of power and authority. The wrong religious teaching can cause social injustice and it is this which condemns women and children to an unjust patriarchal, abusive, or subservient life. The wrongs can be seen in other religions but so can the abuse of authority in other realms of society, which is why religion should not be used as a scapegoat. Unless it is pinpointing an extreme enforced autonomous religious teaching and helps local people, but escaping this should upon reflection exhibit a greater understanding of true, freer, and better religion.
The political theory of Democratic Confederalism could be used in complex geographical regions, like the regions bordering Iran, Turkey and Syria, because they are comprised of conflicting regions, attempting to build a resilient and lasting peaceful socioeconomic structure. The problem however lies in Hope and Belief such a lasting structure can exist and among peoples of all different Religions, Race, and Culture. A unifying process combined with progressing democratic support for all, including Abdullah Ocalan within affiliated governments (particularly in Iran and Turkey) could be hugely effective in laying the foundations for the structure of lasting peace and socioeconomic development.
The Democratic Regions Party (DBP) in Turkey and Kamala Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) in Iran, as well as the Balochistans Peoples Party (BPP) in Iran, can work together with the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Rojava to create unification through justice and equality for all people. The People’s Protection Units (YPG) should also be adjoined to this democratic unification process so the people in the regions can be represented fairly and live peacefully with the international agreement of just and peaceful law for all.
However retrospective justice must be sought by officials and the representatives of the victims during war, so there is acknowledgment of violence to everyone, including women and children. Perpetrators must be pointed out and imprisoned under an international or domestic legal system and suspects must be questioned under reasonable conditions and parameters. The creation of human rights groups within government parties could achieve such justice.
For all this to occur non-violent attitudes must be adopted so people can make the correct transformations they wish to see and feel in their regions. The disparities between conflicting peoples and areas should not be a cause for violent upstirs. The 'violent voice' is far from obtaining peace; the 'violent voice' is more than just a voice for a cause and people - it is a repetition of the 'violent voices' which have preceded and it is born from them, since there has been no other option for combating brutality. Yet brutality when met with higher mindful resilience sets a better course for all people. Violence spurred on by deaths of those loved and lost adds more fuel to the firestorm of anger and aggression, creating more unwanted death.
The more attitudes equally and passively resist, the more the moral and spiritual force of those people with those attitudes aiming for greater direction and dreaming for a brighter future for the benefit of children, will see and feel their aims being reached. Love your neighbour.
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