30 May 2020 - COVID 19 Ending
The time is May 2020, reaching the end of the month, and finding myself in a place, I have called home for a very long time, but a place, I know is going to be comfortable and suitable for all these, efforts in helping against the difficulties, during the COVID 19 crises from November 2019 to June 2020.
For around 9 months the project is aimed at preventing the spread of the virus known for short as the, "corona virus" which is a bacteria based viral-pandemic spreading worldwide across the globe. Reasons on the spread of the virus among populations is unknown, but normal explanations on the way regular viruses spread and contaminate healthy bodies, is the considered answer.
Countries majorly affected by the virus have been Italy, China, parts of Europe, United States of America, and Southern Latin America, (Argentina, Ecuador, Brasil, and Venezuela). Some places and regions more than others.
The spread of the virus, has been, due to normal everyday factors, such as, social and public normality, talking and meeting with friends, eating and drinking at shops or restaurants, in places when out and about, in schools and hospitals as well. Precautions therefore, were needed and there were mandatory face-masks to wear outside, and latex gloves as well to stop the germs from the virus spreading one person to another. In addition, there has been from the period February to June 2020, a mandatory government agreed and enforced curfew and stay-at-home order, following public businesses and shops and restaurants, closing whilst the viral concern is stopped from spreading.
Reasons on the virus forming, varies from (i) Autosomnal Viral Disease, (ii) Eating Wild-Bats, and (iii) Antibiotics fighting severe influenza causing humans to become more immune to the flu, but less immune to fighting everyday viruses; which is very uncommon to contract, but on the odd-occurrence of bacteria-formulating, and then a virus, spreading throughout the body, immunology in the body's system from a microbiological perspective decreases because the influenza antibiotic has been consumed in such large and irregular quantities. (iv) Possibilities of the virus spreading could also be linked to the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), when individuals engage in sexual activity, without using proper contraception. (v) Another possibility is producing food in the wrong way, for germ-contamination, which increases chances of viral-infections spreading.
Remembering good healthy sanitation, and hygiene at this important time is extremely crucial to health and wellbeing. Sadly the virus can affect badly young pregnant women and other women in their older age, causing stomach and liver difficulty. Seeing a doctor and ensuring regular appointments for improving health, is important.
June 2020 is now approaching and people are feeling better. There are games and online interactive videos to help survive claustrophobia and depression. Colouring-books and home-crafts and small hobbies and interests will assist in everyday normal living, when going outside of the house is tough because of the viral concern.
Social distancing is encouraged (2 metres-distance) and skin-contact and salivary-exchange between people out in public is non-advisory, because of the viral concern. Keep well-ventilated and open windows and close them every-so-often so as not to create too much upset in rooms of houses, but to keep cool, and air your home each day, appropriately without letting viruses or other bugs inside.
Keep senses in check, and align all the thoughts which needs alignment for good mental health. Keep a good-balanced-diet and ensure head space and quiet, rest and peace is found, as these are intrinsically linked in a healthy person.
End Note.

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