New Year 2019

In the New Year 2019, I find myself in a meek winter and we must treasure each season as though it is our last but knowing it will remain forever just like our imprint on society.  

In the year 2018 we should find understanding and growth, and voracious enthusiasm for new teachings.  We have seen an advancement in humanity despite setbacks.  Newer understandings of peaceful motivation in politics, society, and religion. By knowing non-violence and the facets for peaceful reconciliation which entail, communication, compromise and negotiation. This is evident in Middle Eastern peace-trade deals, Venezuelan peace-trade deals, as well as Canadian and South American peace-trade deals, which strike chords for long-lasting harmony.  Even though there are setbacks in the transmission of case evidence and testimonies for peace-seeking committees internationally, moving forward on these for the presence of justice in countries is especially important to young people across the world. 

We must learn from our bad experiences in life, and never falter in accepting our true feelings or emotions.  From understanding ourselves from within we will be able to recover from pain, woe, or misery.  Life is filled with challenges, but we must not be angry, we have to find solutions to untie the anchor weighing us down in life. 

Solutions are found by reading.  Reading for example, on enlightenment and understanding concepts like serenity.  Doing activities like, going for walks, driving, talking, speaking, meditating; sitting with friends, family and children, actually assists our everyday life.  When we start to appreciate the smaller things we find beauty in everything, even in the most mildest of experiences. This helps us to be more enthusiastic about living an active and fulfilled life. 

A key problem in society is intoxication. Intoxication of the body, mind, and soul. All these types of intoxication limit the ripe potential in people. In knowing who you are, you can overcome such obstacles. If you are weak find strength in morals and good, for doing wrong and being immoral makes you weaker.  If you are too strong or outrageous find courage, care and skill in your work. Caring for yourself and taking courage in your skill is important.

Despite troubles in this world like, chaos, drama and fake news, people can rise above it all with peaceful motivations and a calm sense of humility.  We as people, one in humanity, should fit-in-together no matter differences in size and shape, culture, race or background.  Together across the world in 2019, people will rise out of poverty, shame, slander and pain; and find a better way to live, laugh, learn and love, is to appreciate people of all sorts everywhere. "Oh dream how sweet, too sweet, too sweet, too bitter sweet, Whose wakening should have been in Paradise, Where souls brimfull of love abide and meet..."- Christina Georgina Rossetti.

Good luck and much Prosperity, Peace and Fortune; for the year ahead! 


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