Modern Racism May 2018

Modern Racism Modern Racism is just the same as ancient prejudice and racism, and discrimination. It sadly still circulates today, with the rise of people of different heritages in the UK and USA. Racists take their posts and language, and behaviour back to the prehistoric battleground, because now they have nothing. It involves remarks and actions, which though may appear subconscious, are in actuality very conscious and in fact, very demeaning to people who are on the receiving end. Thankfully there are better laws in place now to prosecute and point out the flaws in our society, even if it is in media or on television. With the boost of cultural communities in the UK and USA like, Chinese, Afro-Caribbean, Asian, Saudi Arabian, Turkish, Moroccan, Tunisian, socio-economic development has increased and people benefit from their hard work. However Modern Racism boils down to reducing these good people of different backgrounds and origins from ever achievin...