
"A victory over oneself is a bigger and a better victory than a victory over thousands of people in a score of battles. Those who have achieved victory over other people can be defeated in future battles, but those who have achieved victory over themselves become victors forever."
— Dhammapada, Buddha 

"They asked a wise man, “How do you know that God exists?” He replied, “Is it necessary to have a torch in order to see the sun?” We do not have enough words to explain what God is, but we know without words that He exists."
Arabic Proverb

"Conquer rage with humility, conquer evil with goodness, conquer greed with generosity, and conquer lies with truth."
Dhammapada, Buddha 

"A dress presented to you as a gift by the king may be beautiful, but your own simple dress is better. Different meals from the tables of the rich may be good, but a loaf of simple bread from your own table always tastes much better."
Muslih-Ud-Din Saadi

"The scholar who thinks but does not create is like the cloud which does not give rain."
Eastern Proverb

"If you see a wise man, think how could I become like him? If you see a dissoluted man, think: do I have the same vices?"
Chinese Proverb

"The most powerful weapon known is the weapon of blessing. Therefore, a clever person relies on it. He wins with peace, not with war."

"You can achieve wisdom in three ways. The first way is the way of meditation. This is the most noble way. The second way is the way of imitation. This is the easiest and least satisfying way. Thirdly, there is the way of experience. This is the most difficult way."

"But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and truth."
 1 John 3:17-18

"Do not regret the past. What is the use of regrets? The lie says that you should regret. The truth says you should be filled with love. Push all sad memories away from you. Do not speak of the past. Live in the light of love, and all things will be given to you."
 Persian Proverb
"Everything is indefinite, misty, and transient; only virtue is clear, and it cannot be destroyed by any force."

"If you notice someone in error, then correct this person and his mistake in a humble way. If he does not listen to you, blame yourself only; or, even better, do not blame anybody, but continue to be humble."
Marcus Aurelius 

"A passion in a person’s heart is like a spider’s web. At the beginning it is an alien visitor, then it becomes a regular guest; then it becomes master of the house."

"Do not be embarrassed by your mistakes. Nothing can teach us better than our understanding of them. This is one of the best ways of self-education."
 Thomas Carlyle


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