Entering New Year 2016!
Entering the new year brings tremendous happiness a new year has begun! In every new year is the fortune of new love and birth, which is true for all of us and for all nature.
The appreciation in a new year and new beginning brings new opportunities to everyone and everything because it is like a touch of light enhancing our vision of a better world.
Appreciation and light is the tool for enlightenment, it is our tool for understanding our world and existence. In a new year appreciation and light sits shining brightly like a star on top of a Christmas tree - we most likely will be throwing out around about now, but this light can never be chucked away, because it kindles and rekindles in darkness and dark times and dark places, when we are in the most needy times.
The light shines like the sun unveiling the world before us and we must be grateful the light shines for us like Jesus Christ shone for the world through suffering and pain and parable.
Entering a new year will bring our redeeming light through and light up our vision, freedom and wisdom for a holy age and holy beginning. New beginnings and new years are about new resolutions and new be-comings, of changing the unchangeable and strengthening the weak.
It is about trellising in a garden of hope and climbing the ladder of love for prosperity and fortune.
Entering the new year helps us look retrospectively about our actions and our misfortunes, wrong actions and our inaction, about our consequences and circumstances.
It is a reflection, a look into the mirror of our lives, seeing how we can improve and better ourselves and people around us, as well as, the organisations and communities to which we belong. The new year should ideally bring new truths, new learning experiences and new people in our lives.
The "newness of the new year is the most refreshing truth" to our January 2016, like dew or cuckoo-spit emanating off plants in the morning winter-time, it tantilises our emotions and tomorrows, the settling rain and moisture are like the promises we make in the new year, we are refreshed and feeling fine for the new day - the new month - the new year - the only year 2016!
The "newness of the new year is the most refreshing truth" to our January 2016, like dew or cuckoo-spit emanating off plants in the morning winter-time, it tantilises our emotions and tomorrows, the settling rain and moisture are like the promises we make in the new year, we are refreshed and feeling fine for the new day - the new month - the new year - the only year 2016!
Much love, blessings and peace xx
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