UNHCR and Brand New Sri Lankan Constitution September 2015

Mangala gave an amazing repertoire in his UNHRC speech today. 

I think it is the right move forward in the proper direction for the nation - the open and honest truth about our current situation and our own objectives, as a united country building itself for peaceful sustainability. 

As for tomorrow's debate, I personally believe there is not much debate about the corrective methods which are being thrusted by the Sri Lankan government.  I see the country's persecuted Thamil people reviving their spirits and strengths and sense of trust for unity with the rest of the Sri Lankan national community. 

The government has taken shape in its aims to solve the disasters of its people and has shown its intention to meet the true desires of justice for all people, which includes Thamil people, Singhalese people, Moor people, and Burgher people.
The disasters of the conflict have shown human rights abuses were a product of war and victims have been on all sides, though it cannot be disproven Thamil people suffered the most tragedy.  The anaylsis of the Truth-seeking committee will have to take into account all peoples, and decide on the sufferings, victimisation, and abuses for all peoples, otherwise it will not be a just, fair or favourable account in the eyes of the law. 

The outcries of the Thamil people will be solved in this way, which is the best and fairest way to solve the past grievances, and move forward in peaceful prosperity for everyone. Identifying the wrongs of all the people and not just a set of Sri Lankan people is most important to fairness and a growing sense of equality in society, government and judiciary.
It is known Thamil people have suffered for many years in persecution but now it has come to light Sri Lankans of all backgrounds have been suffering tremendously from the conflict in Sri Lanka for so long and for far too long.  Therefore now the Sri Lankan people must unite to solve each other's pains and sufferings so all see the white Gandhian light of peaceful resolution appear in our lives.
A new constitution will definitely help in creating this sense of equality and compromise in Sri Lanka for a true representational Democratic Socialist Republic government.
It is essential the Sri Lankan government finds the correct administrative personnel to carry out these tasks and assess the quantitative and qualitative damages from the conflicts. 
This includes the persecuted Tamil victims as well as the Singhalese victims in all regions which will especially focus on Jaffna and Colombo.
It should be catalogued in the government as a peacekeeping exercise, requiring significant strength in co-operation and toleration with other agreed governments and agreed humanitarian organisations.
It will be emblematic of a true completely representational government moving forward.  The alliances of all peoples in Sri Lanka will now strengthen compassion and unity, because it means the disasters of the past have not gone overlooked and peoples' prayers can be answered, so they find condolence and peace to those people loved and lost. 
The people of Sri Lanka and the victims from the war can now see a redeeming quality in the government making up for the penances of the past and rectifying the inequalities which have caused the civil conflicts and devastations in previous decades.
We must not also overlook the present government is becoming more versatile and always looking to improve its stability in the economy for an improvement in lifestyle and living standards for everyone, from the fisherman to the school teacher. President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Wikramasinghe should now be able to collaborate together and work together for the future prosperity of the Sovereign country.


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