Migrants of Syria September 2015
The plight of the Syrian people is dark. There has been so much upheaval of the basic rights for citizens of the country. Kurdish people, Armenians, Assyrians, Circassians, and Turkmens have all been displaced from their home territories. Hope is ablaze amidst their turbulent time, now and ahead, and many prayers and voices for peace are with them at this minute. Troops who are looking after their transport, food, and shelter, should be understanding of their plight. They have undergone a huge journey of escape from their torture bearers ISIL and they have seen Allah's/God's guiding light leading them out of harm from their troubled land. Their illustrious understanding of Allah/God has provided them the opportunity to survive with the optimism they can one day return to their land where beauty remains and where they are confident peace can be restored. Their natural migration over to UK and the rest of Europe because of the trouble times in Syri...