Paris atrocity we march January 2015
In the wake
of the Paris atrocities we should mourn for the dead, and the tragic events which
took place, not just in Paris but also in, Yemen, Nigeria, and Pakistan.
People march today against hardened criminals, supposedly acting in the name of Allah. The truth to their reason is a mask or guise, using religion as a vehicle to give their terrorism movement, shifting their clear-cut criminality into something seemingly more significant, perhaps even religious or political. This consequently could create appeal.
It actually creates
religious and social discord, because it acts as a catalyst for the emergence of prejudices, fueling attitudes for terrorism and the desire for anarchy. Even though there was organisation behind the tragic events
which took place, they are still in fact, acts of weak-minded individuals, lacking in an understanding of human love and compassion, because their killings of innocent
and vulnerable civilians, display murderous animosity towards a functioning
society, not wholly protected from the emergence of such disgusting attitudes in
There is a saying, “evil is
taught.” We are not inherently born with evil inside us, but it is taught or reared. Young suggestable minds seek escape
from a world where they find their life has no other option and no other meaning. Whereas the
reality is, there are many options in front of them, but terrorist ideology
blinds this from them, from finding better solidarity in their heart and mind and in
people. An alternative is comprehending humanity’s struggle
for a peaceful and healthy existence which is far greater than any violent outcry to God or
As people
march in Paris and across the world today, we should remember there is a seedy violent
underworld which operates in plain sight, and we should wish and pray for it to disappear
and go away, and leave us alone.
Gangs of people, of young men and women,
who encourage hate through violence, God’s will through violence, are
in actuality desecrations to the base concepts of religion, because they do not follow any
holy or bestowed order, but merely egos for domination and power without
rules or law.
people, such terrorists, believe they can create new nations or caliphates (new
Islamic states) by breaking out violence on the unsuspecting, although this is
strictly forbidden in Islam because Islamic states already exist, and the
Islamic ways of living in these countries already exist, which means they are in
fact acting against Islamic people and therefore Islam.
The concern
terrorist ideology will grow is worrying, however the march in Paris today, and
all over the world, will symbolise global society does not, and will not, tolerate
violent crime, and especially for such an abhorrent and
inexplicable reason like media satire.
We are altogether against terrorism, no matter race or background, the unity of the people in the march, will demonstrate we are all one people, one humanity.
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