
Showing posts from January, 2015

Sri Lanka true democracy lives January 2015

In Sri Lanka 8 January 2015 election results showed Maithripala Sirisena, had won 51.3% of the vote in Sri Lanka.   This is a massive turning point in Sri Lankan politics and a great development for Sri Lankan democracy.   The continuous outcry against nepotism and band politics and undemocratic political decisions, have led to a large voters turn out and the people of the country making their voices heard.   The cogs of change have turned and elected a new person more suited to the country’s future leadership.   The former president Mahinda Rajapakse has made a powerful improvement in the country, particularly in growing its infrastructure but his power in government was called into question. The redeeming light of exemplary democracy has shone through in Sri Lankan politics, as candidates were decided, voters voted, and the majority vote elected the new president, without the upset of a government coup .   The country has taken the first step in the long ...

Paris atrocity we march January 2015

In the wake of the Paris atrocities we should mourn for the dead, and the tragic events which took place, not just in Paris but also in, Yemen, Nigeria, and Pakistan. People march today against hardened criminals, supposedly acting in the name of Allah.   The truth to their reason is a mask or guise, using religion as a vehicle to give their terrorism movement, shifting their clear-cut criminality into something seemingly more significant, perhaps even religious or political.  This consequently could create appeal.    It actually creates religious and social discord, because it acts as a catalyst for the emergence of prejudices, fueling attitudes for terrorism and the desire for anarchy.    Even though there was organisation behind the tragic events which took place, they are still in fact, acts of weak-minded individuals, lacking in an understanding of human love and compassion, because their killings of innocent and...