Missing you

I miss your whimsical smile,
Your reaction to whatever you deem worthwhile,
Your abomination for insult and disregard for lies,
You are every heavenly creature I can fathom from the skies,
An angel, a dove, a goddess of irredeemable strength,
A path of white light never showing its length,
A discovery of riddles, music and rhymes,
Dancing, I amuse myself of our good times,
I miss picking you up, a trinket in a store,
A ballerina, princess, fairy,
Each I love more,

Alongside you I sat an ant in the grass,
Scurrying hurriedly through my transparent mind of glass,
Wishing to say I miss you everyday,
Unknowing how to sway you to make you stay,
I will remember your sweet gesturing banter,
Your indescribable alluring laughter,
I miss every time when it was you I found,
Enchanting the whole room with your precious sound,
Laughing and joking to friends all night,

I treasured every moment in your sight,
Alone disarming ourselves from the outside world,
Absorbed in each other's warmth as our toes curled,
Near the fire place our arms embraced,
Tenderly knowing how we were blessed and graced,
By God gleaming down from on high,
I miss you, goodbye.


  1. Things left unsaid...
    and the only thing left to say...
    ...is goodbye


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