I miss your whimsical smile, Your reaction to whatever you deem worthwhile, Your abomination for insult and disregard for lies, You are every heavenly creature I can fathom from the skies, An angel, a dove, a goddess of irredeemable strength, A path of white light never showing its length, A discovery of riddles, music and rhymes, Dancing, I amuse myself of our good times, I miss picking you up, a trinket in a store, A ballerina, princess, fairy, Each I love more, Alongside you I sat an ant in the grass, Scurrying hurriedly through my transparent mind of glass, Wishing to say I miss you everyday, Unknowing how to sway you to make you stay, I will remember your sweet gesturing banter, Your indescribable alluring laughter, I miss every time when it was you I found, Enchanting the whole room with your precious sound, Laughing and joking to friends all night, I treasured every moment in your sight, Alone disarming ourselves from the outside world, Absorbed in ea...