Rule of Law, Equality and Discrimination and Islamophobia August 2018

Martin Luther King Jr once wrote in Strive Toward Freedom (1958), "True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." In the United Kingdom this summer, in the months of July and August, there has been a tremendous heat wave tearing through the nation and another wave has also been affecting the people of the nation - a wave of racism, bigotry and discrimination. Not only has there been a rise in temperature to 34 degrees Celsius, there has been a rise of anti-immigrant organisations campaigning for colonialist rights long-gone, with far-right radicalist ideologies. The problems people have with different cultures and faiths stems from self-hatred and ignorance, which then is expressed externally, to incite bullying, racial dominancy and a social self-interest. Organisations like, Neo-Nazism, Britain First, UKIP and National Front. In Fr...