Women's Rights June 2018

The topic of 'Women's Rights' spans many other topics. It sounds very simple as a phrase, but the issue on securing these rights delves far deeper than most ordinary people might think. Over the last century topics such as, the right to vote, the freedom to wear one's own clothing, the right to drive, the right to run in marathons, the right to teach, and the right to be paid and also treated equally. The concerns for female welfare and civil rights across the globe, such as in USA, UK, Africa and Asia has strengthened over the last century. Movements like from the Civil Rights campaign (1950s) and Women's Suffragette movement (1920s), heightened social understanding and respect for women in the 20th Century. Women's rights today however in 21st Century is still a concern, and this applies everywhere. Recently in Saudi Arabia changes have been made to create more equality in government and society, and since 2015, 17 female ministers were voted in ...