
Showing posts from January, 2018

New Year 2018

Seeing in to the New Year 2018 requires reflection.  It requires seeing through the orb of our lives and understanding our actions and nature in the years already passed.  Perfection is never so easily attainable, but it is a target we can easily make for ourselves, it may just take time.  Some cultures dote on the concepts of perfection and goodness to make their years more desirable and full of fortune, but these targets and concepts can only be projected if we see through our time already stamped on this pleasant Earth. Harnessing courage and talents to perfect the way we give to other people and not only other people, but ourselves is vastly significant to development of people and cultures across the world. It helps in planning and proposing different manners of business and charity work so people and companies benefit from good gestures and in the most forthright and desirable fashion.  The reward of gratitude we reap when helping people and organi...