Valentines Day

14th February 2017 is globally recognised as the most important Romantic Day of the year ☺ For many years it has been celebrated as a day to show love, nurture and passion for a special someone in life. It is widely known and more commonly known as a day to also let someone know how you feel. People all over the world on this day send cards, chocolates and flowers and cake especially, as gesture tokens of sweet thoughts for someone they have a tender like or soft loving feeling for, or even an admirable love. Wives, husbands, long-term partners, boyfriends and girlfriends, children and parents are given a day to open up their feelings and hearts, showing love when usually not so outwardly expressed. It is especially helpful for people who are unable to easily express their feelings for someone who they hold particularly special or close, and when they hold admiration or 'true love's sight' for someone, but feel unable to express it well (like s...