
Showing posts from February, 2016

MEO - My Thought

We find ourselves distraught by worldly pressures, And though we are belittled by the scale of their power, Be strong and persist in receiving the pleasures of this universe, From the faint blow of wind against your hair to the next person  you greet; Hold steadfast in your aims and achieve victory in all your endeavours. For we are like seeds sown in the richness of the earth to bear fruits in our labour; make your labour bounteous and joyous.  Take heed in your mistakes and do not folly in their ludicrousness for your learning will take you further. Have faith in the good you believe in and do not rest in meekness, strive to be fearless. Seek enjoyment in everything you do because only then you will know it is worthwhile, and eternally be grateful you have that freedom.  The spirit cannot be tainted but the person can, Therefore be cautious and aware of undignified people. Though androgyny tires the soul always remember we live in an amazing...

Short Passage on 'Knowing Oneself'

Knowing who we are within and our inner selves, gives us scope to know eye-to-eye everyone else. In doing so, we are given an opportunity to promote self-esteem and self-assurance to those less fortunate and less able than ourselves. The world is sometimes cast in shadow, destroying Hope, Love, and God.  Yet people rise above the effects of feeling small, and counter-act the turmoil in the world and anguish in their heart. We can be left with misery due to tragic events or incidents which affect us spiritually. The spirit is weakened by forces out of our control, so it is up to us to regain control of our principles of moral virtue, and overcome pain. Pain and confusion wreak havoc on the body, mind and soul. It puts us into a spell of wasteful energy and a negative attitude takes over.  Negativity results in cynicism and worry leaves the 'cup of virtue' within us to run dry. Prosperity and happiness, must fill the 'cup of virtue' within us, from which we...

Time stands still for you

There are days and times we share I cannot spend, Times and clocks I choose whichever way round, I tussle with nooks and crannies so profound, I know they are as empty as a tiny pin-drop sound. I cherish my love and resent the love-sick sickness, I ran away with God but He has no feet to follow, I sing in tune to both our lives will it turn back around?   Will we save our ever-last stand? Now time is standing still for us, A hallway of memories like a painting gallery, Feelings and emotions swelling up like the Pacific Ocean, How well we counted on each other’s hand, Counting blessings and singing of me twice, Knowing you are only the one I love, From now until the end of time.  I wonder how far time will pass, Before we ever say a word again in unison, Again I am cornered like a lost sheep found, Tick-tock my heart sings a lullaby  goodbye, Rikety and shaky my ...

Hope for Kurdish People (women and children alike inflicted by war crimes and violence) February 2016

Given the tense political and sociological time in the Middle East particularly Iran, Syria and Turkey democracies, nations and peoples, are in a state of worry and concern. Politicians and academics are trying their best to rectify the problem affecting Kurdish people and people alike who are affected by the same problems and crimes.  The Iranian government's position on peace-building and resolving issues with the problem-makers in the affected zones can be understood. Although this may bring about only temporary solutions. If the victimisation, especially on Iranian Kurdish women and other women of different peoples are not seen to by an agreeing democracy, the essential reason for why politicians and academics are attempting to work for the problems in the surrounding regions of Iran, Syria and Turkey, will be greatly overlooked.  Some people may think it cannot be seen to right now because so many people are not in this frame of mind.  However this frame of ...